Saturday, March 8, 2014

New things of Spring

This is a picture of a simple display of spring clothes for toddlers.  This is an exciting sign of the end of cold, happy baby colors and the promise of warmer weather.  For at least 10 years this has been an extremely happy sign for me.  I hate cold.  I love chubby legs sticking out of new short pants for the season. I have memories of those chubby legs in my house.
But this year, I feel very differently about this.  As I walking into the store, feeling blessed to buy food to feed my family, this display brought tears to my eyes.  What is wrong with me?!  I have a child somewhere, that God has promised to me, that I am SO ready to provide for.  I am ready to know the size and age and gender.  I am ready to tuck them in at night. I am ready to read stories, kiss boo-boos and say "I love you and am so glad that God brought you to us."  I don't know if there is anyone to make sure that they are eating and getting rest.  I doubt that there is someone to comfort when they are crying.  This is breaking my heart, and the display is reminding me that I can't do this for my child yet.
Some days I am really much better at this than others.  Thank you for the many people who supported us by buying a shirt or jewelry.  I would love for you to use the piece that you bought to remember to pray for us.  When you wear it, or even just when you look at it. Spring is coming I feel the progress and it's similar to babies kicking in my stomach; We are really doing this!
I Love you, My Village, and I couldn't do it with out you.                   

1 comment:

  1. He has made your heart grow at the thought of your new loved one! It's beautiful, tif!
