Monday, November 18, 2013

the Money Hoop

One of the hoops that we were waiting to jump through last week was a "money hoop", we waited and waited.  We finally got some news on Friday that allows us to press on.  Although, it wasn't the news we had hoped for.  Without crossing a line of confidentiality with MikeBlair (my much-more-private-than-I-am husband), I will suffice it to say that I am now researching some fundraising ideas.  I don't want to.  I hate fundraisers to benefit me.  I hate asking for help/money.  (sorry for that fit)
But as most of you know, adoption is expensive.  It is expensive to have our fingerprints done with USCIS, it's expensive to get all of the documents that prove that we are really wanting to add this child to our family to love and treat well, it's expensive to fly to Africa and stay for an extended period to go to court and embassy appointments.  It is not just expensive monetarily, but physically and emotionally, too.  These things don't scare me off, I am committed to making everything line up just right so I can jump through these hoops.  I always assumed that if we were going to do it, we were going to do it ourselves.  Self-sufficient is the American way, right?  Then you remember what God is trying to teach me;  I am not in control.  ((sigh)) 
I have found comfort in the fact that most people wish that there weren't any orphans, tho, not everyone is called to adopt.  Maybe some of our village are the kind who are called to financially help those of us who have been called to adopt.  That is how some will live out James 1:27a Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress... NLT
So, now I am researching a way to invite the givers in our village, to be a part of our journey!  I have a lot of things floating around in my head right now.  We could make T-shirts...We could have a bake sale... Uganda is called the pearl of Africa, maybe I should craft something out of pearls...We could do a silent auction and dinner party...We could host a movie night...  hey, this could be fun!

Back to the things I hate; I hate nothing more than to try and get my village, my people, people that I love, my friends, to come to over my house and buy a cooking utensil, or jewelry or make-up or some other thing that they don't want, but feel like they need to, because I put them in that position. (insert breathing into a paper sack here)  NO! I am breaking out in hives just thinking about putting that kind of pressure on my village. 
So, please, if you consider yourself a giver in our village, please, pLeAsE, PLEASE, give me some feedback on how you would like to be a part of this.  Or if you have suggestions, that would be great, too.  We solicit your prayer as we make these decisions and all along this journey.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Most of you already know, we are adopting.  We are jumping and weaving through all of the hoops to make it possible for our family grow by two feet, from Uganda.  We are excited!  We are also overwhelmed.  Overwhelmed with the things we have to do, and the things that we need/want to do but can't just yet.  Anyone who knows anything about adoption knows that there is some waiting involved.  Of course, ;) I knew that.  I THOUGHT I knew that.  I thought I would be waiting for a child to come home with us. I thought I would be waiting for someone to say, "ok, he/she is ready!"
If only that was all of the waiting

I have decided that the reason that God put adoption on my heart at such a young age, ( I was maybe 8) is because He knew that I would be able to control lots of other things in my life.  That I would not let myself get into a situation that I couldn't handle.  That I would also, not let myself get into a situation where He could teach me patience, because patience are not my favorite.  It takes too long to learn about patience. 

My heart longs for nothing else enough, to take that class.  But for adoption, it does.  My heart longs to hold a child that has been in a bad situation and give them a chance at a better life.  My heart longs to make things easier, more lovely and teach them Jesus.  So, here I go, signed up for Patience 101.  And already looking for the class to be over.  The rewards are at the end, but I will hafta show up and do the work to make the grade.  Pray for me, for strength and perseverance.  

Thank you, God for knowing me well enough to know how to get me to take the class that I need most.  He is amazing!  In this, I am reminded that He cares so much for me, and knows who I am by nature.  I hope to be delivered through this having become more fruitful as a child of God.         

Philippians 4:6    Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. ESV

more details to come