Friday, December 13, 2013

a lil news

We have had a few developments in our world, aka new specific things to pray about.  Here goes:

1.  We decided on another a date to go visit Uganda and I emailed the lady that runs the baby home that I have been in contact with to see if it worked for her.  She came back with news that during the month of January they are on school holiday and no babies are in the home.  They have a program where all of the employees take a couple of kids each, home with them until February.  So, she offered to meet with us but if we waited until February there would be children in the home.  To that, I quickly responded that I don't want to wait until Feb,  I wanted to be there in October, but I would do whatever she suggests.  Then, after much prayer concerning the disappointing news about our home appraisal I decided that it wouldn't  hurt to ask if she needed to see us face to face before giving us a referral or if she felt comfortable with our dossier?  Because, I would love to be in Uganda for court, (not for introductions) in February. 
She said she was in investigations and would try to get back to me before they "break off" hehehe ...meaning go to break.  If this actually happens...idk.  I am already feeling so blessed that a new/dear friend of mine has put me in contact with such ethical professionals in Uganda.  This would just blow my mind.  As annoying as the waiting can be, I am learning SO much about trusting God.  And I know that He who began this good work in us, will continue until it is finish.

2.  The other thing is WAY not that exciting.  I have been arguing with myself about this for a while, but have decided to sell T-shirts to help fund the adoption. 

I tell myself:
  • it will be fun
  • I love to be creative
  • nobody is going to buy a shirt from me
  • people will love to wear my shirt
  • being creative is TOO hard
  • we could design a cool shirt
  • everybody already has too many shirts
but last night I had some encouraging advice from a friend.  She said she would love to buy stuff to help a family who is rescuing an orphan, and others do too.  Then I realized...  I am one of those others.  I would love to buy a shirt from someone like me.  hehehe  So, I'm on it.  I will keep you posted.  I will link it to facebook when I get it done.  Thank you for the encouragement I have been receiving from all of you who are supporting us from near and far.  You don't know just how much your private lovenotesmessages and 'attagirls' mean to this poor conflicted soul!  Ha!

I love you, my village!